Architect | ComputationalDesigner
Case study in Museum
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Is the world more complex in 2019- harder to navigate and receive information?!
Motivating Problem for this study:
Information is segregated from Architecture
Looking at AR as a way to bring information in design process and emerge information and architecture.
1- AR is dynamic
2- Information can be personalized
3- Change in destinations can easily be reflected in AR information without the need for new installations
4- Expensive system but very scalable
Problem with physical information:
1- limitations of the physical space
2- Not personalized information
3- Cannot regulate themselves to changes
4- Expensive to produce and not scalable
Spatial interaction in AR as an interaction to emerge architecture and information
Spontaneous interaction, (Gellerson - 2009)
AR is inevitably spatial
users can most intuitively interact, (Elizabeth R. Chrastil & William H. Warren)
Appropriate for public spaces
Goal of the study:
Creating a spatial interaction for communicating through AR
Test the system with how well users’ can find the information using spatial interaction as opposed to gesture based interactions
Understanding the usefulness of spatial interaction for information access
Technical and Theoretical:
Software and Technology:Unity, C#, 3d modelling, lighting, material and rendering
Hardwares: Microsoft Hololens, android, IOS, Magic leap
- Interaction types and mode in AR, specifically proxemic ones
Architectural design process
Different types of architectural spaces
User study:
- Environment
- Participant
- Study type: Between subject
Museum as a location for case study:
Large amount of information
Location, proxemic and orientation are important
Limiting in physical space


