Architect | ComputationalDesigner
PowerBI & BIM
Data analytics Through the Portfolio of Projects
Little Diversified Architectural Consulting
In BIM modeling, objects are parameterized and have information linked to the model, such as, for example, the walls that have their height and materials already predetermined in their creation. In addition, this database allows information to be perpetuated throughout the entire life cycle of the building, from design to operation and maintenance. The implementation of BIM has grown every year, but are we taking advantage of all the posibilities?
The Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry is a source that generates an immense amount of data, which characterizes the term Big Data, and these data need to be organized and structured to serve as information. Often, executives of large companies need to analyze various subjects for their decision making, and make use of Business Intelligence and Analytics to assist them in visualizing the data.
The main objective of this project, is to allow decision-making based on data to replace decisions by intuitive judgments and justified by years of experience in the business. Despite the fact that other sectors (aviation, food industry, agriculture, clothing, etc.) are already well advanced in the use of Big Data and BI&A, the AEC is still walking at a short pace.
Healthcare Project, Pasadena Clinic
Link to the Report: Here

HigherEd Project, Santa Monica Art College
Link to the Report: Here

Civic Project, Union County SW Regional Library
Link to the Report: Here